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HCAI Update Bulletin

HCAI Update: Release 3.33 Goes Live May 12, 2025

Mar 5, 2025
HCAI Update: Release 3.33 Goes Live May 12, 2025

HCAI System Release 3.33 will go live on May 12, 2025. This bulletin provides an overview of the enhancements included in the release.

Here’s what you need to know about Release 3.33:

1. Attendant Care Services Invoice

FSRA has approved the introduction of the Attendant Care Services Invoice (ACSI) form into HCAI as a voluntary pilot for at least one year, beginning with the 3.33 release. Participating health care facilities will be able to submit the ACSI to any Ontario auto insurer enrolled in HCAI.

The ACSI will serve as a standardized invoice used to bill automobile insurers for attendant care services submitted under the Assessment of Attendant Care Needs (also known as the Form 1).

The form will launch in pilot and during this time, it is not mandatory to make ACSI submissions through HCAI, however we encourage facilities to use the new form and benefit from the more streamlined electronic process. 

  • Along with the ACSI, the new Personal Support Worker (PSW) provider profession will be added to HCAI to be referenced on line items. If you have PSWs at your facility, you may add them to your Provider roster when the release goes live.

  • Robust training materials including text, screenshots, and videos will be made available on HCAIinfo as soon as the ACSI has been implemented on HCAI in May.

If your health care facility anticipates using the ACSI and you currently submit forms in HCAI using a Practice Management System (PMS), we encourage you to reach out to your PMS Vendor to express your interest in having this new form available for submission via their software. You will also be able to submit the ACSI through the HCAI web application.

Facilities can review a PDF version of the ACSI here.

2. Enhancements to the Explanation of Benefits

HCAI is enhancing the Explanation of Benefits (EOB) for the OCF-21B, -21C, and Form 1 by redeveloping the forms in a new framework.

Form processes will not change, but minor improvements in layout and function will offer a more efficient user experience.

3. Account Security Updates

As a security enhancement, users will now receive an email confirming when the email address for their user account changes:

  • This notification will be sent to both the new and the previous email address linked to the user account.

  • Authorizing Officers (AO) will receive an email to the old and new address when the AO’s email address field is changed on the Facility Management sub-tab.

  • Users can review the email attached to their account on the My Profile Tab, and have their Authorizing Officer or user with the “User Administrator” role update their information.

As a reminder, users should ensure they whitelist HCAI emails so that they can receive important messages regarding verification codes and password resets.

4. Browser Compatibility Updates

HCAI continues to enhance its user experience and security. Using an up-to-date browser is vital to maintain an uninterrupted connection to HCAI.

As of Release 3.33, we recommend using Microsoft Edge, Chrome, or Firefox on Windows 11, Microsoft Edge on Windows 10, or Safari 17 on MacOS Sonoma (Version 14.0).

System Outage

An HCAI outage is needed before every new system release in order to implement the changes. In preparation for Release 3.33, the following system unavailability window is planned:

Friday, May 9 – Monday, May 12, 2025

  • The HCAI system will be unavailable from 5:00 p.m. (ET) on Friday, May 9, 2025 and is expected to resume active status at 8:00 a.m. (ET) on Monday May 12, 2025.

  • Every facility must have their transactions successfully processed by 4:59 p.m. (ET) on Friday, May 9, 2025.

Other Important Reminders

As part of the ongoing maturity of the HCAI system, data retention requirements have been defined.

  • All documents will become candidates for deletion from the HCAI system seven years after their associated claim has been closed (i.e. deactivated in HCAI) by the insurer.

  • The actual deletion of data will commence in the second half of 2025, starting with very old unusable draft documents that can no longer be submitted.

  • As a reminder, all completed OCFs must be kept on file at the facility as per FSRA’s guidelines. Visit the Submitting and Storing Forms page for more information.

What’s Next?

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