Generate Reports
Step-by-step text and video instructions explaining how to generate Reports in HCAI.
HCAI provides several reports to help you manage all your HCAI treatment and billing information. To generate a report:
Log into HCAI
Go to the Manage tab and the Reports sub-tab
Under “Generate New Report”, select the report you would like to generate from the drop-down list. The only exception is the Monthly Financial Statement, which is automatically generated each month (View screenshot).
Explore the Jump To menu for further text and video instruction on each report
Facility Submitted Invoices
The Facility Submitted Invoices report provides a list of invoices that have been submitted to Insurers within a specified time frame.
Once you have entered the date range and clicked “Generate Report”, the report will appear in two places:
In a pop-up window
In the Requested Reports list
Facility Submitted Plans
The Facility Submitted Plans report provides a list of proposed and approved plans that have been submitted to Insurers within a specific time frame.
Go to the Manage tab and the Reports sub-tab
Under “Generate New Report”, select Facility Submitted Plans from the drop-down list
Click the box next to “Include Form 1” if you would like Form 1 transactions to appear on your report
Use the calendar tool to select the date range
Click the “Generate Report” button
Once you have entered the date range and clicked “Generate Report”, the report will appear in two places:
In a pop-up window
In the Reports Requested section
Submitted Forms by Insurer
The Submitted Forms by Insurer report is a business-to-business report that shows the outcomes of plans or invoices submitted to each Insurer within a specific time frame.
Go to the Manage tab and the Reports sub-tab
Under “Generate New Report”, select “Submitted Forms by Insurer” from the drop-down list
Select either Plans or Invoices. If selecting Plans, click the box next to “Include Form 1” if you would like Form 1 transactions to appear on your report.
Select the report’s format:
View Online – a high level document that will output in a web view
Download Spreadsheet –Report will be generated in .CSV format. It will appear in the Requested Reports section; you may click the name of the report to view and/or save to your computer for later use.
Use the calendar tool to select the date range or click “Select All”
Click the “Generate Report” button
Requested Reports
The HCAI system now provides a list of all the reports requested in the past 72 hours. The Requested Reports list captures the report name, the date and time the report was requested, each listed report’s specific search parameters and the status of each report.
To view a previously requested report, simply click on the report name.
You can toggle the view of the Requested Reports list using the drop-down feature. To delete a report from the list, check the box to the left of the report name and click on the Delete button.
Monthly Financial Statement
The Monthly Financial Statement is automatically generated by HCAI. It describes everything invoiced by your Health Care Facility in the previous month. This report is useful to verify that your previous month’s invoices are accurate and complete.
When reviewing the Monthly Financial Statement, you can drill down to additional reports, including one for each Provider listed on the report, and one that displays all the MIG goods or services invoiced.
In the Reports sub-tab, scroll down to find the automatically generated Monthly Financial Statement listed under Executive Reports Received. Up to 12 previous reports are displayed (View screenshot).
Click on a report to open and view it (View screenshot).
Each service or treatment from the previous month is listed together with additional details that include:
The treating Provider's name, profession and registration number.
The proposed amount invoiced.
The sub-total for all the treatments/services.
The total proposed amounts only for MIG treatments/services.
Clicking on a Provider's name will open another report for all things billed using that Provider’s credentials.
If a Provider has been named on invoices using more than one profession, a separate report is created for each profession.
Each report displays information that includes:
The date, type and amount of each service rendered.
The proposed amount for each service.
The date each service was invoiced and the corresponding Document Number.
Clicking on MIG Proposed Amounts opens a report that lists each MIG treatment or service for the previous month.
Each MIG report displays information that includes:
The date, type and amount of each service rendered.
The proposed amount for each service.
The date each service was invoiced and corresponding Document Number.
The Provider Reference for the service rendered.