Review My Profile
Every user can review the information associated with their user account using My Profile.
Any user is able to view the information associated with their user account through the My Profile tab (View Screenshot). This includes the contact information used for Two-Factor Authentication.
This profile details section allows users to view:
Organization Type
Organization Name
User Status
First and Last Name
Title (if provided)
User Name
Employee ID
Email associated with account
Business Phone number
These details are Read-Only; only users with the Facility User Administration Role can edit some of the information displayed by updating the user account information on the User Management tab.
Quick Tip: Do I have the Facility User Administrator role? When logged in to HCAI, User Administrators are able to view the Manage tab and the User Management sub-tab.
Contact Details for Authentication
The My Profile tab also contains the following information used for two-factor authentication:
The email that receives your verification code is displayed in this section. This field is auto-populated with the email address associated with your user account. If this information needs updating, only users with Facility User Administration access can update this information via the User Management tab.
The phone number field is an optional field that is editable by the user; users are able to provide a cell phone number that can receive the verification code by text. A User Administrator cannot edit this field on behalf of the user.