Getting Started in HCAI
How to get started using HCAI now that your Facility enrolment has been accepted.
My Enrolment is Approved – Now What?
HCAIinfo has all the information you need to complete any task in HCAI! Check out how to navigate HCAIinfo.
If you need help with any task in HCAI and aren’t sure where to look for help, click here to quickly and easily find out.
Know the name of your Authorizing Officer to save time and trouble
Click here to learn what your Authorizing Officer is (and isn’t!) responsible for.
Learn about FSRA’s Service Provider Licensing
Registering for FSRA’s service provider licensing program allows your Facility to directly invoice Insurers. Over 95% of forms submitted in HCAI are from licenced Facilities.
Check out the Service Provider Licensing page to learn more or find out how to register.
Read FSRA’s Health Service Providers page for even more information.
Understand what you see in HCAI
Review our manual to get familiar with the tabs and functions you’ll encounter on www.HCAI.ca.
Manage your account easily
Here’s what to do if you forget your username or password, or your account is suspended
Need to update your Facility or User information, but not sure if you have the power? Check out Manage My Facility or Manage Users to learn how.
Make your System HCAI-Ready
Make HCAI a safe sender in your email account to receive password/username resets. Learn how by visiting our Password FAQs!
Make sure you’re using a supported web browser to access HCAI safely.
Fill out OCFs
Need help filling out a plan or invoice? Visit Provider Support.
Find coding confusing? Visit Coding.
Bill for Treatment Goods and/or Services
Visit the OCF-21B and OCF-21C pages to find out how you can:
Create an invoice from a submitted plan
Process overpayments or credits in HCAI
Complete line items for services delivered by a different Health Care Facility
Collect interest on outstanding invoices
Track your OCFs
Visit the Tracking OCFs page to find out how to view the status of submitted forms, how to review adjuster responses, and how to create drafts.
Generate Reports in HCAI
HCAI provides several reports to help you manage all your HCAI treatment and billing information.
Learn how to view your Monthly Financial Statement and more
How we keep your information private
Read our privacy commitment
Learn how to store and share information
Learn how to manage your professional credentials and brush up on security and access best practices