Deactivate Facility
How to deactivate your facility when it will no longer be used.
Removing inactive Facilities benefits you
Removing inactive Facilities from HCAI benefits all HCAI users by reducing cyber security risks, as unmanaged and inactive accounts are more susceptible to fraudulent activity.
Deactivation of unused and unlicensed Facilities
All Facility accounts that are both unused and unlicensed (do not have a valid, FSCO issued Service Provider License) will be automatically end-dated 180 days after the start date in HCAI. An unused account is one that has not submitted or saved a form in HCAI since their start date.
If you treat an MVA patient and must submit an OCF after being deactivated, you must enrol with HCAI again.
How to end-date your Facility
Once a Facility’s end date is saved, all users will be automatically deactivated 15 days following the end date. During these 15 days, users will have access to their accounts unless they are manually deactivated as well. After this period, users will no longer have access to submitted OCFs. PDF versions of each submitted OCF should be printed, signed and stored securely at your Health Care Facility. You may also want to download and save a digital version in a secure place.
Only the Authorizing Officer or a user with the Facility Administrator role can deactivate a Facility.
Quick Tip: Do I have the Facility Administrator role? When logged in to HCAI, Facility Administrators are able to view the Manage tab and the Facility Management sub-tab.
Sign in to www.hcai.ca.
Go to the Manage tab and Facility Management sub-tab
Under Facility Details, insert the last day on which the Facility will operate in the “Facility End Date” field (View screenshot).
Scroll to the bottom of the page and click <Save>.