Should I Enrol?
Find out if HCAI applies to you or your business.
Enrolment step 1: Should I enrol?
HCAI applies to you if you or your business provides treatment goods and/or services to a person injured in a motor vehicle collision who:
Is insured by an Ontario motor vehicle liability policy
Is receiving treatment goods and services provided in Ontario (if some services are received outside of Ontario, those should be invoiced separately).
Furthermore, each service location must be registered separately with HCAI. Multiple branches of a health care business cannot use the same HCAI account. Each Facility location enrolled with HCAI operates separately, maintaining its own Authorizing Officer, Facility Users, and OCF documents.
For more information, you should review the HCAI Guideline, published by the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA)*. Appendix 2 is particularly handy to determine if your services are subject to the guideline.
Still not sure? If all of the following statements apply to you, enrolling with HCAI is appropriate:
I currently own or operate a health care business
I currently have a patient who requires treatment goods and/or services that are a result of a motor vehicle collision
I am providing treatment goods and/or services for this patient independently of another Facility (not as an affiliated provider) that is already enrolled with HCAI
I have reviewed the HCAI guideline
The treatment goods and/or services I provide are subject to the HCAI guideline (Not all motor vehicle collision treatments require submission through HCAI, so it’s important to check the HCAI guideline to make sure it applies to you!)
*Effective June 8, 2019, the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA) assumed the regulatory functions of the Financial Services Commission of Ontario (FSCO). Visit www.fsrao.ca for updates.
Note: Accounts that are both unused and unlicensed will be automatically deactivated 180 days after the initial approval date, so you should only enrol if you will treat an auto insurance claimant and use your account to submit treatment forms. An unused account is one that has not submitted or saved a form in HCAI within 180 days from their initial approval date. Once deactivated, if you wish to use HCAI, you must enroll with HCAI again.
If you’ve decided that enrolling with HCAI is right for you, continue to Step 2: How to Enrol