Health Care Facility | Insurers | Related Initiatives  

HCAI Update - Release 3.18 / May 25, 2017

HCAI’s fall 2017 system release, Release 3.18, will be available on October 2, 2017. Updates in Release 3.18 include:

  • Updates to the OCF Search screen
  • Streamlining the HCAI web interface by removing outdated and unused functions
  • Simplifying the submission workflow

The changes included in Release 3.18 will impact PMS Vendors.

  • Many of the changes are optional opportunities for PMS Vendors; however, there is a mandatory PMS toolkit framework version upgrade to 4.6.
  • We’ve improved matching elements for PMS-submitted documents
  • PMS Vendors are encouraged to regression test their systems

Planned HCAI system unavailability

In preparation for Release 3.18, the following system unavailability window is planned:

September 29 - October 2, 2017

  • The HCAI system will be unavailable from 5:00 p.m. (EDT) on Friday, September 29, 2017 and is expected to resume active status at 8:00 a.m. (EDT) on Monday, October 2, 2017.
  • Every Facility must have all of its transactions successfully processed by 4:59 p.m. (EDT) Friday, September 29, 2017.

What’s changing?

  1. Updates to the OCF Search screen

To streamline your search process, Release 3.18 includes two updates to the OCF Search screens.

Removal of pre-populated dates on OCF Search screen

We will no longer pre-populate the ‘Date Submitted’ field, eliminating your need to erase those pre-populated dates before you perform a search. As always, the more information you can provide in your search criteria, the more precise your search results will be. At least one search criteria other than the “Date Submitted - To” must be filled out in order to search for an OCF.

OCF search results sorted by submission date

OCF search results will now be sorted by submission date, which will make it easier to quickly find what you are looking for. The most recently submitted OCF will appear first.

  1. Addition of a Print button to the acknowledgment screen

A “Print” button is being added to the document submission screen. This will not change the submission process, but it will allow Facilities to print their documents following successful submission. The document number will display on the printed form.

  1. Elimination of trivial pop-ups

To lower the number of clicks you require to navigate HCAI, we’re removing many of the trivial ‘Are you sure?’ pop-up boxes.

  1. Updates to the Facility Management screen’s instructional text

As of May 1, HCAI began notifying newly registering Facilities that they should only register with HCAI if they are currently treating an auto insurance claimant or are applying for a FSCO Service Provider License. Accounts that have not been used within three months of the start date, and which remain unlicensed, will be automatically end-dated.

Instructional text on the Facility Management screen will be updated to remind users that the Facility may be end-dated if they have not used HCAI within three months of registration after May 1, 2017. End-dated Facilities may re-enroll should they need to treat an auto insurance claimant.

What’s Next?

  • Share this HCAI Update with individuals at your organization who interact with the HCAI system
  • Keep checking HCAIinfo - HCAI’s dedicated eLearning resource site - over the coming months for more information.