Health Care Facility | Insurers | Related Initiatives  

Related Initiatives

The Related Initiatives portal contains information about business applications and processes, including changes in the regulatory environment, which indirectly involve the HCAI system.

A "related initiative" is a business application or process—which may include a change (or changes) in the accident benefits regulatory environment—that indirectly involves or is secondarily connected to the Health Claims for Auto Insurance (HCAI) system, and/or the users of the HCAI system.

Each related initiative may have several stakeholders. Common stakeholders include the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario, the Ontario Ministry of Finance, and the Insurance Bureau of Canada.

  • HCAI Anti-Fraud Working Group

    Learn more about HCAI's Anti-Fraud Working Group and the Professional Credential Tracker (PCT)

  • Service Provider Licensing

    Learn more about FSRA's Service Provider Licensing program and how it relates to HCAI


    Learn more about HCAI's Business Intelligence Strategic Solution (BISS)