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Adjuster Support

Learn more about the form adjuster's role in HCAI, including adjudicating OCFs and tools for managing deadlines.

About this section

We’ve organized this section as a learning module to guide you on the form adjuster’s role in HCAI. We’ll cover the basics like reviewing a form in HCAI and how to mark a decision but we’ll also get in-depth about topics like partial approvals, handy tools to help keep track of submissions and decisions, and how you can make your processes more efficient in HCAI.

Who should review this module

You’ll find this module helpful if you are involved with:

  • Adjudicating OCFs in HCAI

  • Receiving and paying invoices

This module can also help clarify system functionality if you are:

  • A manager or supervisor interested in learning more about form adjusters and their role in HCAI

  • Involved with setting up or managing feeds and extracts through our integration channels

What you’ll learn

  • Tools that will help you keep track of submissions and decisions

  • An overview of the forms available in HCAI

  • How to enter