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Deactivating a User

Deactivating a User in HCAI

When an individual leaves your organization or is no longer working in HCAI, it is essential that your organization follow the necessary steps to deactivate the user. This includes removing access to the account and, if the individual is a  claimant file owner, reassigning his/her claimants to a new file owner.

This section outlines the basic process for deactivating an individual user in HCAI. To learn how to deactivate multiple users in bulk, continue reading the side menu. If the user is a claimant file owner, please also review the Transferring Claimants to Another File Owner page.

To deactivate a user, you must have the ‘User Administrator’ role assigned.

  1. Click on the Manage > User Management tab. The ‘User Search’ screen will appear.
  2. Search for the user you wish to deactivate.
  3. In the ‘Search Results’ screen, click on the user you wish to deactivate.
  4. The ‘Add/Edit/View User Details’ screen will appear.
  5. Press the ‘Deactivate’ button. (View screenshot)
  6. The screen will automatically refresh. The message ‘User Deactivated’ appears and the ‘Deactivate’ button is replaced by the ‘Activate’ button. The user will no longer have access to HCAI.
  7. If the user was a claimant file owner, their claimants may need to be reassigned to another claimant file owner. Review the Transferring Claimants to Another File Owner page for more information.

Deactivating a User

Deactivating Users in Bulk

To deactivate users, you must have the User Administrator role assigned.

  1. Go to the Manage tab and User Management sub-tab.
  2. Input search criteria and click the “Search” button.
  3. On the Search Results page, use the checkboxes to select one or more users. You may edit up to 50 users at once.
  4. Click the “Modify Status” button. (View screenshot)
  5. On the ‘Edit User Status’ screen, select “Deactivated” from the drop-down list.
  6. Click the “Save” button.
  7. Verify that the information displayed is correct, then click “Save” again.
  8. A confirmation message will display the number of user accounts that were deactivated.

Deactivating a User

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Deactivating a User in HCAI

When an individual leaves your organization or is no longer working in HCAI, it is essential that your organization follow the necessary steps to deactivate the user. This includes removing access to the account and, if the individual is a  claimant file owner, reassigning his/her claimants to a new file owner.

This section outlines the basic process for deactivating an individual user in HCAI. To learn how to deactivate multiple users in bulk, continue reading the side menu. If the user is a claimant file owner, please also review the Transferring Claimants to Another File Owner page.

To deactivate a user, you must have the ‘User Administrator’ role assigned.

  1. Click on the Manage > User Management tab. The ‘User Search’ screen will appear.
  2. Search for the user you wish to deactivate.
  3. In the ‘Search Results’ screen, click on the user you wish to deactivate.
  4. The ‘Add/Edit/View User Details’ screen will appear.
  5. Press the ‘Deactivate’ button. (View screenshot)
  6. The screen will automatically refresh. The message ‘User Deactivated’ appears and the ‘Deactivate’ button is replaced by the ‘Activate’ button. The user will no longer have access to HCAI.
  7. If the user was an adjuster, the adjuster profile for each branch in the Insurer Management tab must also be deactivated (continue reading ‘Deactivating an Adjuster’ in the side menu for more information).

Reassigning Claimants to Another Adjuster

When an adjuster leaves an organization, his/her active claimants need to be reassigned to another adjuster. Reassigning the claimants to another adjuster is an important step because it prevents OCFs from being automatically directed to worklist that is no longer monitored.

The easiest way to transfer claimants is as a batch. In both cases, you need the Form Manager or Claim-Claimant Administrator role to transfer claimants.

To reassign claimants in a batch:

  1. Click on the Claims > Claimants sub-tab
  2. Enter search values for “Insurer” “Branch” and “Adjuster” and under ‘Claimant Status’ select ‘Active’. (View screenshot)
  3. Press ‘Search’; the search results screen will appear.
  4. In the ‘Reassign’ column, check the box for each claimant that needs to be assigned to the specified adjuster. (View screenshot)
  5. At the bottom of the search results list, use the drop-down list to select an Adjuster to whom the claimants should be reassigned. (View screenshot)
  6. Once you have selected the adjuster and specified which claimants should be reassigned to the chosen adjuster, click the ‘Reassign Adjuster’ button.
  7. The screen will automatically refresh. If the adjuster has any active claimants remaining in this branch, they will display in this screen.
  8. Repeat steps 1-7 for any other branches the adjuster is associated with.

Deactivating an Adjuster

Adjusters have an additional step in addition to the regular process of deactivating a user. Their adjuster profile, which appears in the Manage > Insurer Management tab, must be deactivated.

Deactivating the adjuster is a necessary step because it prevents OCFs from being automatically directed to the outgoing adjuster’s worklist. It also helps streamline the view across HCAI because it removes the adjuster’s name from view in various screens in HCAI.

To deactivate the adjuster, you must have the organization administrator level of access.

  1. Ensure all claimants have been deactivated or reassigned to another adjuster in HCAI. Adjusters cannot be deactivated if they have active claims assigned to them. For more information, please review the ‘Deactivating a claim and claimant record’ page.
  2. Click on the Manage > Insurer Management tab. The ‘Insurer Details’ screen will appear. (View screenshot)
  3. Click on the branch the adjuster is associated with, the ‘Branch Details’ screen will appear.
  4. Scroll to the ‘Associated Adjusters’ section at the bottom of the page and locate the adjuster you wish to deactivate. (View screenshot)
  5. Press the ‘Deactivate’ button next to the adjuster’s name, a confirmation window will appear, press ‘OK’.
  6. The adjuster profile has now been deactivated in this branch. Repeat this process for any branch the adjuster was associated with.