Health Care Facility | Insurers | Related Initiatives  

Insurer User Manual

The HCAI Insurer User Manual was developed for business and technical users working for auto insurers to help them accomplish specific tasks in HCAI.

Chapter Title Description
Chapter 1 Introduction to HCAI This chapter assists users in using the HCAI application by describing its business functionality and identifying business rules and requirements.
Chapter 2 Supported Plans and Invoices This chapter provides a brief overview of the forms that must be submitted and adjudicated in HCAI.
Chapter 3 Sign in to HCAI This chapter describes the sign-in process for HCAI.
Chapter 4 Insurer Home Page This chapter walks you through the main tabs and sub-tabs displayed after signing into HCAI as an adjuster.
Chapter 5 Common Functionality This chapter describes the functionality that is common for all parts of the HCAI application.
Chapter 6 Claim and Claimant Management This chapter provides an overview of claims and claimant management in HCAI.
Chapter 7 Using Decision Support – Plans This chapter describes how to work with plans in HCAI.
Chapter 8 Using Decision Support – Invoices This chapter describes how to work with invoices in HCAI.
Chapter 9 Insurer Management This chapter outlines the setup and maintenance of your organization in HCAI.
Chapter 10 Insurer User Management This chapter outlines the setup and maintenance of user accounts in HCAI.
Chapter 11 Security and Privacy This chapter discusses security and privacy in the HCAI system.
Chapter 12 Approval Reason Codes This chapter outlines the full list of adjuster reason codes in HCAI.
Chapter 13 Roles and Tasks The tables in this chapter list the available roles and associated tasks for insurer users.
Chapter 14 Insurer Reports This chapter describes the different insurer reports on HCAI and their functionality.

* This chapter is available on IBC’s secure member website.