Health Care Facility | Insurers | Related Initiatives  

HCAI Update – HCAI 2018, the Year Ahead / January 9, 2018

2018 will include two HCAI system releases: Release 3.19 in the spring and Release 3.20 in the fall. While both releases have no PMS impact, PMS Vendors should be aware of several new features that will be available to web users and that we recommend implementing into PMS software.

Transport Layer Security (TLS) Version 1.2

Vendors’ systems must be configured to use TLS version 1.2 to communicate with HCAI’s production environment starting Monday, January 22, 2018.

Spring System Release 3.19 – Live April 9, 2018

HCAI’s spring system release, Release 3.19, has no impact to PMS vendors.  However, HCAI strongly recommends regression testing against the HCAI test environment to make sure your systems will work as expected when this release goes live.
Here are some dates to help you prepare:

  • January 29, 2018 - March 2, 2018 – PMS Official Testing Period
  • April 9, 2018 – Release 3.19 implementation date

After Release 3.19 goes live, vendors can continue using the existing version of the vendor package. Below are some of the changes which vendors should be aware of and may consider implementing into your software:

  • New warning messages will be introduced to HCAI’s web portal.  These warnings will display when a health care facility submits multiple invoices in one calendar month, or when it exceeds the Minor Injury Guideline maximum fees. These warnings will not restrict a user from submitting a document to HCAI, either through a PMS or through the web portal. This information will also display to Insurer users. PMS vendors are encouraged to develop this new functionality into their own systems to help guide Facility submissions.
  • Insurers may now turn off document submission to certain branches if they have become inactive. As a result, the wording of some validation messages on the Facility side will be modified to make them more accurate when such a case occurs. PMS Vendors are encouraged to make regular updates to their insurer list to ensure it is up to date.

Fall 2018 System Release – Live October 1, 2018

HCAI’s fall system release, Release 3.20, which is planned for implementation on October 1, 2018, also has no impact to PMS vendors. However, HCAI strongly recommends regression testing against the HCAI test environment to make sure your systems will work as expected when this release goes live.

Please note that FSCO has confirmed, starting October 1, 2018, all facilities enrolled with HCAI must submit Form 1 to insurers electronically, using either a practice management system (PMS) that is integrated with HCAI, or the HCAI web channel.

Invoices for attendant care services will continue to be submitted and processed outside of the HCAI system. As a result, PMS vendors are encouraged to implement the Form 1 into your PMS software.

Recall that the Form 1 was introduced to HCAI as a pilot program in 2016.

Details of the Form 1 interface can be found in the PMS vendor package.

What’s Next?

  • Share this HCAI Update with individuals at your organization responsible for scheduling resources
  • Prepare to configure your systems to use TLS v1.2.
  • Implement the Form 1 document as part of your PMS software prior to October 1, 2018.