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HCAI Update - HCAI 2017, the Year Ahead / January 12, 2017

2017 will include two HCAI system releases: Release 3.17 in the Spring and Release 3.18 in the Fall. While the Spring system release has no PMS impact, it is anticipated that the Fall system releases will include regulatory changes.

Spring System Release 3.17 - Live May 1, 2017

HCAI's Spring system release, Release 3.17, has no impact to PMS vendors. However, HCAI strongly recommends regression testing against HCAI test environment to make sure your systems are going to work as expected when this release goes live.

Here are some dates to help you prepare:

  • February - March 2017 – PMS Official Testing Period
  • May 1, 2017 – Release 3.17 implementation date

Fall System Release 3.18 - Live October 2, 2017

It is anticipated that HCAI's Fall system release, Release 3.18, will include changes to the PMS toolkit.

September 29 - October 2, 2017

  • Following the pilot learning of Form 1 in HCAI, updates in regards to who may submit the Form 1 will be applied.
  • PMS toolkit dll will be upgraded to .Net Framework 4.5 as of this release.
    • This will ensure both HCAI system and PMS toolkit framework are in-sync and will avoid any potential inter-communication issues between HCAI and PMS.
  • PMS toolkit functions will be matured to improve PMS integration with HCAI.

What’s next?

  • Share this HCAI Update with individual(s) at your organization responsible for scheduling resources.
  • Prepare to upgrade to .Net framework 4.5 by the time HCAI Release 3.18 is live in production.
  • Develop an implementation plan for the changes included in HCAI’s Fall release, Release 3.18.